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Sometimes, beneficiaries can't find deceased relative's policies or, some cases, not know policies exist. help solve issue, NAIC created Life Insurance Policy Locator, free online tool helps consumers find deceased loved one's life insurance policies annuity contracts. Steps Need Take
How to find out if someone has will be challenging process. Determining or someone has will feel overwhelming. passing a loved is difficult, handling estate seem a huge task. article aims offer guidance how to find out if someone has will going probate court.
5 ways find someone's life insurance policy . are ways find someone's life insurance policy, including: Life Policy Locators NAIC, MIB Group, NAUPA; Reaching to financial contacts; Combing old documentation; Submitting request state registries; Reaching to life insurance company .
You find out the county clerk's office the executor filed paperwork. you where probate is, search county's .gov website the deceased person's name. can get access information related the if has through probate process become public record.
Find out if recently deceased loved has life insurance policy how to a claim you you're beneficiary. . of strict privacy laws, strangers aren't allowed see someone has life insurance. Access life insurance usually limited next kin, estate executors, named beneficiaries. .
Other ways find out other family members. Someone know you don't. Assuming have authority look your loved one's personal papers (or get permission), for insurance policy itself. you don't find policy, for life insurance receipts evidence payments a checkbook .
Look the deceased's papers address books find out if had life insurance policy their name. way find out if you're beneficiary a life insurance policy by reviewing income tax returns the deceased the two years check interest income expenses.
Ways find out if someone has life insurance. are common ways determine someone has life insurance policy: life insurance policy locators. are life insurance policy locators can to for unclaimed life insurance policies, as deceased parent's policy. Depending your state residence .